This piece came from a workshop that I attended at SERFA at Black Mountain NC last week. The workshop was called The Heart of the Matter: Creating Emotional Impact and Songwriting. The presenter was singer-songwriter Jess Klein. At first Jess had us all share a song that had moved us in an emotional way. Many of us discussed a meal that we had recently enjoyed too. With these thoughts in mind, she asked us to do a free writing exercise for 10 minutes, and these are the words that I wrote down. Maybe this is a seed to an upcoming song? Maybe this is all this will be. Maybe this is enough. I should add that I got very misty when Jess played her song, In It For the Love during her showcase. Check that one out. Thank you Jess Klein. Thank you SERFA
The Bloom Continues
Say the wrong thing
sing it and play it every day
write that book and leave it opened
open for the others
for the closed minded
For the closed doors
For the shut ins
For the left outs
Sing it out
Leave everything to chance
Take and make change
Your mind is off on the right track
Tracks of tears
Tears of clowns with smeared make up
Sit down and have a good meal
Chew slow so you know the taste
Chew slow so you hear the voices
Of those close
Sitting at that table on a Black Mountain
Energized by the youth of it all
Mixing young Christians with liberal folkies
Pete Seeger’s banjo is ringing in these mountains
The sustain is traveling through to the next generation
Where have all the flowers gone?
Well, I found them here and here and here
Just try to block them out of your mind
A blink won’t do it
Nor shut eyes or white noise
The bloom continues
The bloom continues
Pushing up daisies?
Be a dead or lazy
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