Monday, May 25, 2020

My Roots (2015)

Tell me about a song that takes you back. Back in time. Back home.

I wrote this 15 years ago or so. My Grandpa Eston Riley Kimble grew up on his family farm in Pendleton County WV, near Seneca Rocks. If I'm remembering correctly, the farm sat on the other side of this beautiful landmark, just down the road a piece.

The food and the people were whole.

There was a party line that connected more than a couple families, possibly the entire community? Pendleton County is the fifth least populated county in WV. While I was driving through, back in 2015 from one show to the next, I played my song near the rocks. It meant a lot to me.

Speaking of things that mean a lot to me, I sincerely appreciate the virtual tips you are throwing into my tip jar here. . You are keeping my music going, "from the Seneca Rocks, to the beginning of all time, my roots have covered my behind"


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